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Our Steering Committee

Our Steering Committee is made up entirely of volunteers dedicated to promoting progressive change. Here's some information about the Steering Committee members:

Tobie Buford--Ms.Tobie Buford is a Bronx native. Educated in the public school system from elementary school to graduate school. Tobie works in the field of Intellectual/Developmental  Disabilities. Tobie became involved in working to make political change by phone banking for the Obama Campaign. 


Joe Sherman--Joe is a native New Yorker who has lived in the Bronx since 1980. He retired in 2008 after a 41-year career as an educator. His culminating achievement was becoming the founding principal of the High School for Violin and Dance in 2002. In 2009, Joe started a Bronx chapter of which he led until 2012. 

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George Diaz--George was the managing editor of The Campus, the student newspaper of the City College of New York.  After graduating George worked for former City Councilman G. Oliver Koppell. He specialized in transportation, paratransit and police matters. George is an active member of the Bronx branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) where he previously served as Third Vice-President of the branch in addition to being responsible for media releases. He also serves on the Executive Board of Northwest Bronx Indivisible. In 2020 George became the first Democratic Primary challenger for New York State’s 81st Assembly District in nearly 30 years,  George lives in Norwood, working as a Docketing Specialist for the law firm DLA Piper LLP (US) for the last 3 plus years


Gene Binder--Gene is a retiree now, but he taught elementary school for 38 years in the Bronx. Gene was a United Federation of Teachers delegate and chapter leader during his teaching career. He has also worked on many causes over the years ranging from ending several genocides and the fight for tenant rights. His efforts for Bronx/NYPAN grows out his commitment to ending economic inequality and all forms of social inequality.


Helen Krim--Helen is a retired Bank of New York Mellon project manager, and a member of the Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP).  She has been active with PNHP, the New York Health Campaign, and Northwest Bronx Indivisible for the last three years.  She recently joined North West Bronx Clergy and Community Coalition and its health justice committee to advocate for universal health care.  Health Care is a human right.


Nestor Medina--Nestor works for the City of New York as a Public Servant. He comes with extensive background in community and tenant organizing, public service having served for a New York State legislator from the Bronx, and worked and volunteered on dozens of political and issue based campaigns. 


In his spare time, Nestor serves as an active member of multiple New York progressive grassroots groups seeking to advance and promote political and civic engagement, as well as local and national related issues such as Medicare for All, New York Health Act, New Deal for CUNY, and Housing Justice for All. Nestor serves on the Planning Committee BronxNYPAN, and also serves as member of Bronx Progressives, Progressive Action of Lower Manhattan; both chapters of New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), and is also a member Democratic Socialist of America (DSA), Lower Manhattan chapter. Nestor graduated from College of Staten Island with a Bachelor's Degree in International Studies in 2008. 

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